The Cosmic Wisdom Authors and the Astrology Page Authors comprise the Houston Spirituality Magazine's writing team. They provide ongoing content. There are other authors featured on the Guest Authors page and throughout the magazine who share their wisdom on a non regular basis. We are so blessed and grateful to have these wonderful contributors to our broad metaphysical | spiritual base of knowledge and understanding. Most Members of the Cosmic Wisdom Team are from Houston. This city is an incubator for birthing ideas and practices for New Age/Fifth Dimensional Life. Read . Learn . Enjoy and come back often. Use the drop-down menu for the author's name for all their inspiring article links. See following list with links.
with articles, videos, and audios:
- Sandy Penny, Messages from Beyond
- Andrew & Helen Hain, Spiritual Journey | Spiritual Life
- Claire Papin, Lighted Paths
- David/LE, Ask the Cosmos Q&A
- Jackie Self, Embrace The Truth of Your Divinity
- Jill Mattson, Vibratory Healing
- Margaret Rustan, Unicorn Wisdom
- Nancy Robinson, Vignettes from Angelic Realms
- Renee & Kent Miller, The Augmentation of Man
- Trisha Keel, Transformation Time
How to Use this Magazine as a Spiritual Practice:
Some have said the magazine provides so much wisdom that it is overwhelming.
You can use this magazine as a SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE and a way of developing your spiritual discernment.
- Browse the Navigation Bar and Drop-down Menus and choose the one that most draws your attention and click it.
- Go to that link and do the same with the images/articles/video/audio there. Feel the energy from what wants you to click it, and then read, listen or watch what draws your attention.
- Return to the Navigation Bar Drop-Down Menu and do it again.
You'll definitely notice energy in certain links just for you. Ignore your mind and trust your inner feelings.
It's a fun way to navigate important information
in this time of great shifts.
Follow your own Guidance & Enjoy the process.
Learn to rely on your intuition.
Cordially ~ Sandy Penny . Spiritual Explorer .
Publisher . Editor . Author . Proofreader . HoustonSpirituality.com

© Copyright Houston Spirituality Magazine 2019 or The Individual Authors/Websites