Messages from Beyond the Veils
Sandy Penny

Publisher/Editor/Author of Houston Spirituality Magazine | Visionary | Psychic
Meme Maker | Proofreader | Editor

As a seeker, teacher, traveler, and a woman of wisdom, Sandy Penny has explored many metaphysical topics and experiences. She began her conscious study in 1975 at The Chapel of Prayer in Houston with Rev. Eleanor Button, now passed on. Eleanor taught so many famous metaphysicians that she was known worldwide. Sandy first explored remembering andopening her own psychic and healing abilities. She continued learning meditation, contemplation, channeling, mediumship, healing, and as her abilities developed and strengthened, she began to get messages of importance for a larger audience for the greater good. She learned to take many leaps of faith to get to new levels of psychic, emotional, energetic, and cosmic connection.

Sandy honed her skills with Tarot, Runes, Numerology, Reflexology,  Crystals, Straight Up Psychic Readings, Signs and Symbols, Dream Interpreting, Archetypes, Past Lives, Integration Training,  Intuition, Empathic Abilities, Energy Healing, Color Healing, Emotional Release Techniques, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Acceptance and Loving Kindness. She requested non-incarnated guides and direct connection with The Oneness, Angels, Elementals, Other Worlders, and Ascended Masters. 

Sandy follows her own path of synthesis, taking everything she learns and embodying it in her life and exploring what it means to her. She works with the Akashic Records and Humanity's Group Consciousness to focus on the highest and best good for all concerned. She freely shares all that she has learned through her writings, this magazine, and one-on-one with all she meets. Through the years, Sandy has received psychic messages about Technology  as Hope for the Future. When these tech advances show up, she points them out for the hope they represent. She has a blog for that. (See articles below).  


I just started a Facebook group for seniors who are staying fit. Come on over and join me. Group Rules: Respect and Encourage. Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive motivational comments are welcome. No negativity. No politics. Respect everyone. Seniors only.
Sandy Penny on Your Personal Relationship With Your Divinity

Sandy Penny Carmel Temple 10-27-19 mp3.mp3

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