Spiritual |Non-Fiction
Expand Your Body | Mind | Spirit
Books of all kinds play an important role in the expansion of consciousness and creating a beautiful life: how to books, novels, biographies, psychology, inspiration, comedy. Here are some of my favorites. Some are linked to reviews, and some are linked to their buying pages. More books and reviews will be posted as I have time to read and review them or remember them from the past. Click any photo to go to the book or more information.
AMAZON DISCLOSURE: I am an Amazon Affiliate; if you buy through Amazon links on this site, I may receive a commission. However, I have read all the books I review and post, and I only recommend what I love.

Quantum Jumps by Cynthia Sue Larson
QUANTUM JUMPS presents a radical new paradigm--that we exist in an interconnected holographic multiverse in which we literally jump from one parallel universe to another. Experience a new science of instant transformation. In a moment you can become smarter... more confident... happier... more outgoing... more effective... in better relationships... with more willpower. Gain practical tools to achieve real change in your life, regardless of past history. Leap forward to become happier and more successful, living the life of your dreams. Supported by distinguished sources from the fields of psychology, biology, sociology and physics, QUANTUM JUMPS is an inspirational book packed with practical tools for living a happier, healthier, more prosperous life.
"The 'Quantum Age' has finally arrived. Cynthia Sue Larson understands its implications for our everyday lives--for how we can make wiser decisions, relate better to other people, manage our careers more effectively, use our dreams to provide insights, and even how we can use 'quantum jumping' for self-healing." -- Stanley Krippner
The World of Psychics, Mediums and Spirits
A Look Inside from the Outside obviously refers to me as the person looking in from the outside and Linda Lee being inside. However, the word "world" requires a little elaboration. The first connotation which might come to mind is the planet earth depicted by a sphere setting on a stand upon with a map of the continents and oceans is superimposed. Or, perhaps, what is visualized is a ball representing the earth rotating on its axis with other planets revolving around the sun. That is not what is meant in this title alone. Rather, a broader sense of the word is also intended. Consider the words "world of psychics, mediums and spirits" as being a collective of nouns referring to a realm or whole area of interest, such as the "world of medicine" or "world of science." Psychics and mediums, as we refer to them here, are humans living on our planet earth. Spirits, however, may be anywhere in our planetary system, within our "milky way" universe among its millions of stars and associated planets. Or, they may be among the countless stars, planets, and universes beyond our universe, and whatever may be further beyond all of that.
Travels with Abraham | Learn to Manifest a Life You Love
by Sandi Phillips Meyler
As a long-time fan of Esther Hicks/Abraham, it was great to hear the stories Sandi tells of what she learned and how she put it into practice in her life. Finding the love of her life after years of longing was one of the benefits of shifting her consciousness. This book tells real stories of using the teachings of Abraham to create a great life. It also gives you tools and insights into the inner workings of the Law of Attraction. It illustrates the traps we fall into along the way and how to instantly shift into something that feels better to you. It dispels the notion that suffering is noble and shows where you may be blocking your highest good. If you're a fan of Abraham or have never heard of Esther Hicks/Abraham, you'll be blown away by this engaging, insightful, joyful, wise book. ~Review by Sandy Penny, Editor HSM
Suddenly Psychic 
by Gregory A. Kompes
For When You Have a Psychic Experience
Gregory Kompes has written a very insightful and helpful book for anyone who has a psychic experience or those who want to develop their innate psychic gifts/talents. He details the core messages of recognizing your own psychic abilities, identifies two different types of psychic expressions and gives advice on how to proceed when a psychic event happens to you. In this time when more and more people are recognizing that they are already psychic, he is encouraging, wise, and practical and reassures us that there is nothing to fear in the experience. As someone who has embraced my psychic abilities for many years, I can see how this would be great to have when your awakening occurs. ~Review by Sandy Penny, Editor HSM
The Gospel of Science by William Douglas
What happens when scientists become mystics?
William Douglas shows us what the path of unity can look like when we stop separating parts of ourselves and begin to honor our wholeness. The name first confused me but began to reveal itself to me as I progressed through the book. Planetary transformation, global awakening, multidimensional solutions. Vision, tools, techniques, exercises to change your life and the whole world. It's the Big Bang of consciousness.
~Review by Sandy Penny, HSM Author
Think and Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill
”Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is a must-read if you’re serious about manifesting your best life and the abundance that you want. It was written by Napoleon Hill who interviewed many powerful and successful leaders who began with nothing but thoughts, ideas, and organized plans. This book can change your life if you’re willing to read, understand, and apply the principles that he recommends. I’m in several mastermind alliance groups because of this information and able to make significant changes to my healing practice based on this knowledge.” ~Reviewed by Nancy Robinson
This was the first manifesting book I ever read back in the early 1970s. I thought it was brand new back then because it was to me, but I found out it was first published in 1937, and it is as relevant today as it was when I first read it. It worked for me. ~Sandy Penny, Editor HSM
A How to Book for Cellular Activation by Johanna Bassols
"What is you could tell your cells what qualities to manifest?" That's a powerful beginning to a how-to book for elevating your consciousness. This is book 2 in the series, and it has a lot of practical information for those who want to follow a process of their own. It offers breathing techniques, physical exercises and foods to bring the body into alignment with your highest and best expression of your true self. Learn to release limiting and toxic beliefs that affect your health and happiness. Learn how to create new patterns, dissolve old ones that no longer serve you, and figure out what those are. It's an intense book with a process that requires a lot of changes in your life. If it resonates with you, it's a great way to initiate life-changing behaviors. The author's personal experience included: remembering information encoded in her DNA and cellular memory and connecting to higher levels of consciousness. If that's your goal, this may just be the book for you. ~Review by Sandy Penny, HoustonSpirituality.com
“Creating Money, Keys to Abundance” by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer is one of the best books I’ve found with practical effective information to help you create money and abundance while doing your life’s work. This book has truly changed how I look at manifesting money and what I want to create. I use it daily and am experiencing wonderful new ways to create the abundance that I want. I highly recommend this book if you are ready to let go of struggle and receive money and abundance in new ways. ~ Reviewed by Nancy Robinson
The Mother Teresa Effect by Alicia Young
What I learned from Volunteering for a Saint.
An Inspiring Account of What it's Really Like to Live a Life of Service - Review by Sandy Penny, HSM
If you've ever thought of volunteering for Mother Theresa's many charity locations, or going off to the Peace Corp, or doing any kind of volunteer work, this book gives you an inside look at the challenges and the rewards of these experiences. It also inspires you to do more small kindnesses in your everyday life. It is a joy to read what Alicia Young has learned from giving back to the world. And, it causes you to evaluate how you respond to life with gratitude and love toward all people. It also shares amazing stores of how Mother Teresa affected others by being who she truly was. I highly recommend it to take your life to the next level of mindfulness and caring.
Visit from Heaven by Alicia Young
A Soul's Message of Love, Loss & Family
What Happens on the Other Side and Does It Affect Our Lives Here? ~Review by Sandy Penny, HSM
As Alicia Young continues her real-life journey of openness to Spirit, she begins to experience things that few have ever heard of or discussed about our lives and how we come to live them. Do we plan our lives? What about free will? Do we choose our parents? Do they choose us? When a miscarried child of a friend shows up wanting to share his process with her, Alicia has no idea what he will say or show her, but she feels compelled to experience it. This is a thought-provoking tale of awakening to a greater view of our lives. It just might answer some question of why things happen as they do. Alicia bravely shares her experiences regardless of what others may think.
Energy Speaks is a clear blueprint for growth and change. Practical guidance and inspiration on things that matter most to us — including love, sex, money, personal power, self-expression & purpose, emotional healing & well-being; how to have peace with our families — More esoteric topics include how to invoke the help of spirit guides and angels. An empowering work of a great emerging spiritual teacher filled with tools you can use to break free of limitations and transform your life. "I listen to Lee's Energy Updates several time a month when they are released, and I am so amazed at how helpful they are." ~Sandy Penny, HSM
Classic Wisdom - click images to buy books
The Secrets of Doctor Taverner by Dion Fortune Dion Fortune who was the founder of a secret society. She wrote Taverner as her first novel, but she maintained that all the events were based on true occurrences but played down instead of embellished. Many believe Taverner to be Fortune’s own spiritual teacher, Dr. Moriarty, and Rhodes to be based on Fortune herself.
First published in 1926, the adventures take readers across the marshy moonlit fields of nightfall, hunting spirits and keeping watch over souls. Suffering from vampirism? Being stalked by a death hound? Haunted by past life debts? Family under a suicidal curse? From across the countryside patients and their desperate families come to seek treatment for unconventional diseases from an unconventional doctor. His secret? Treating the diseases of the occult. See More Books by Dion Fortune ...
Note from Sandy Penny: I read a great deal of Dion Fortune early in my spiritual/metaphysical studies, and it was very helpful to me on my journey.
She was a well-known leader, teacher, and master of metaphysics.
How to Live with a Psychic by Crystal Hope Reid
Your Guide for Maintaining a Happy Relationship when Someone You Love Gets Weird
4.0 out of 5 stars - Review by Sandy Penny - An Open and Honest Discussion of Living With a Psychic. This is a good primer for those who have been judged as psychics and for those who are living with psychics in their homes. It defines some of the challenges and offers some good exercises and practices for coming to terms with the challenges. I take exception to a few of the assumptions that come from a fear base, but basically, I would recommend this book to those who are disturbed by the strange things that happen when someone connects to their psychic abilities. It's an honest discussion of what psychic life is about. It should be welcomed by many spouses, children and friends of psychics, and by the psychics themselves.
Ignite Your Inner Healer by Ana Marinho
Transformational Tools to Heal Your
Body, Mind and Soul
This is a good beginners guide and introduction to self-healing. It provides a base of understanding and some very simple tools to get you started and moving toward your highest and best well-being. It's a short summary with lots of testimonials about the way it has worked for others. If you're interested in finding out how to get started on a personal healing path, I can recommend this book.
A Tree Taught Me the Language of Light by Philippe Paschali
What if trees could speak? What would they tell us? What kind of language would they use? Would their leaves teach us the wisdom of the Sun? Would their roots teach us the wisdom of the Earth? Could we understand them? Spiritual seeker Philippe Paschali claims to have had these questions answered by a corkscrew willow tree. What if the wisdom of the Sun and the wisdom of the Earth were the same wisdom dressed in two different costumes? What would we call this wisdom from which all costumes can be removed? The willow tree presented it as the Language of Light.
Review by Sandy Penny: A cautionary tale and a hope-filled memoir. When Phillippe Paschali begins to obsessively practice yoga and meditation, he engages a kundalini experience which literally blows his mind. As he becomes more intimately connected and aware of the Oneness, he disconnects from his family and friends and pretty much disappears into the experiences. Teetering on the edge of madness and enlightenment, he finally finds the middle road that allows him to assist others in their own expansion. It's poignant, real and beautifully revealed. It lets seekers know they are not alone on their journey, and that life can be fulfilling once you satisfy your ego that you are safe and let go of your judgments about your process. It's poignant, joyful, devastating, and balanced in the end.
Relationship Magic by Guy Finley
In Relationship Magic, renowned spiritual teacher Guy Finley shares key insights and lessons for building a beautiful, enduring relationship with the one you love...and better relationships with everyone you know. Learn how to use your differences to become more loving and kind with one another. Discover how to bring arguments to a dead stop, while deepening the bond between you and your partner at the same time. Break old patterns that are keeping you stuck, and learn to love your partner fully—without the fear of loss—in spite of painful relationships in the past. With hands-on exercises to help individuals and couples put this brilliant material into practice right away, this book will help you heal your core wounds and make your relationships thrive again.
Praise: "Relationships are what make life worth living, but can also cause our greatest pains. Relationship Magic is a treasure full of practical information that can help you have healthier and more satisfying relationships and a happier life."—Daniel G. Amen, MD, Founder Amen Clinics and Author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life
"A great love story isn't like it is in the movies. It's not picture perfect and it's not without its flaws, it's raw and at times complicated. Guy Finley's Relationship Magic reads as authentic and relatable because it isn't about fluff and is anything but sugar-coated. It nails the hard stuff that we are scared to talk about and digs into the deep-rooted issues so that a strong foundation for growing and healing can begin. Relationship Magic is undeniably captivating while giving practical and constructive advice for the ages."—Francesca Luca, radio host
You are Not Broken by Rhonda Harris-Choudhry
This book will teach you how to:
Remove the toxic energy debris caused by past and present traumas
Remove the energy cords attaching you to negative people and circumstances
Understand the lessons your trials have brought you to help you move past them and on with your life. Identify your custom psychic gifts to utilize them to help you manifest your desires
To retrain your subconscious so that it works for you and not against you
Use emotional shapeshifting to raise your vibration and attract what you want
And teach you how to customize the law of attraction so that it works specifically for you and your specific needs. This book is especially helpful for spiritual workers and healers who provide so much service to the world but find their own lives in chaos or just can’t seem to get for themselves what they so generously provide for others. You are not broken so let’s get started bringing positive change into your life. Namaste and Blessed Be. ~Rhondra Choudry READ MORE
Lasting Impressions by Geoffrey Jowett
A Medium’s Cherished Messages from Spirit
The natural and supernatural worlds are deeply intertwined. And though many of us may have difficulty accessing the spirit world, there are those among us who have the ability to sense and connect with the unseen world of spirit, bridging the gap and linking them together for us. In Lasting Impressions, author and medium Geoffrey Jowett invites us on his remarkable lifelong journey serving the spirit world, where he accepted the honor and reverence of being a mediuma voice for beings who have crossed the bridge into spirit. From his earliest memories of staring with awe and wonder at the luminescent entities that would visit him as a child, to his life of training and cultivating his interest in spirituality and higher consciousness. READ MORE
21 Metaphysical Secrets
Erik Tao
If you're caught between far-out beliefs and practicality, this book will bridge the gaps so you can feel comfortable pursuing your spiritual/metaphysical path. It's a great resource for moving your energy and changing your mind and habits. ~Sandy Penny
Into the Light
John Lerma, M.D.
Dr. Lerma was the head of the largest hospice in the world. he collected 10 years of deathbed stories of angel visits, deceased family members and other comforting visitors. ~Sandy Penny READ MORE
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