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The Natural Healthy Food Yum - NOVEMBER 2019

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” 

― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own.” 

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Houston Spirituality Magazine

Houston has so many choices for good healthy food, sustainable practices and unique vegetarian/vegan options. 
Restaurants, recipes, articles, and healthy events. If you visit these restaurants or businesses, tell them we sent you.

Quick & Easy Vegetarian Recipes

Bright Line Eating frees us from the obesity cycle and introduces a radical plan for sustainable weight loss. It’s a game changer in a game that desperately needs changing. “Bright Line Eating ushers in an end to cravings, an end to dieting, an end to that constant, exhausting, soul-sucking loop in your head about food and calories and pounds. ... Living Happy, Thin, and Free is your birthright.” — Susan Peirce Thompson

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AMAZON DISCLOSURE:  I am an Amazon Affiliate; if you buy through Amazon links on this site, I may receive a small commission.
However, I have read all the books I review and post, and I only recommend what I love.