Spiritual  .  Metaphysical  .  Awareness  .  Consciousness  .  Intuitive  .  Holistic Health & Living  .  Energy Healing . Articles

  • Making Magic with Trisha Keel

The most meaningful memories you create are the ones in which you have blended awareness, intention, and choices. Because you are aware of the vibrancy of living energy, and because you intend to bring beauty to the fore, you choose to have fresh flowers on your table. The Magic comes from your mind and then dances into your life. READ MORE

by Bruce Lipton. You've got the power! Summer is winding down and the Evolution is heating-up. Confrontation, strife and violence are becoming daily events. On the surface we see the fire, but beneath in the darkness and quiet, the seeds of a new world are beginning to germinate. READ MORE

Catherine Lanigan, is a New York Times bestselling author of nearly 40 published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone, and The Jewel of the Nile. Catherine’s novels have been translated into 28 languages, and her titles have sold over 15 million copies worldwide, including DIVINE NUDGES, ANGEL WATCH, and ANGEL TALES.


Check out more interviews with
Claire Papin on Blog Talk Radio. 

Bruce Lipton is a brilliant visionary scientist who has shown us how science, the physical body, and spirituality are always one. 
Edgar Cayce was perhaps the greatest, most documented psychic of all time. If you don't know him, you should. Have a listen.

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